Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Your most common questions ANSWERED!

What’s your warranty?

We have a limited one-year warranty on all our work.

Which looks like this:

Limited One-Year Warranty: For 1-year, commencing from the day of pour, there will be no “major cracking and or major spalling” due to defective workmanship or materials.

Definitions: “Major cracking” means cracks wider than a quarter of an inch. “Major spalling” means any substantial surface disintegration that occurs on the surface of the sidewalk or driveway that covers more than 10% of the surface area.

Exclusions: This limited warranty does not include damage done to exterior concrete where ice melt has been applied, or where water runoff has undermined the base of the concrete. Also, any damage caused by “Acts of God” are not covered either i.e. Fire, Flood, Earthquake or any other natural disaster. “Minor cracking” cracks less than a quarter inch are not covered as they are typical for freeze-thaw environments.


How long does it take to build my garage from beginning to end?

On average, once we've begun the construction process it usually takes 2 weeks to finish your garage, weather depending.

As Alberta has a short construction season, all trades are busy bees in the summer, so you may have an initial wait time before we get to your project. That's why it's best to buy your garage in the early part of the year to make sure you are first on the list when the frost comes out of the ground, which varies from season to season.


Do you have great customer service?

Of course! Our friendly and knowledgeable team are available to answer your questions.  Just reach out to us and we will do our best to accommodate whatever request you have.